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Understanding Data Center Containment

  In the modern landscape data center aisle containment has emerged as a pivotal strategy for optimizing operations. The system effectively curbs the mixing of hot and cold air, which has been a persistent challenge. Studies show that conventional data centers waste up to 50% of airflow due to its erratic movement, often bypassing the equipment meant to be cooled and returning directly to the   Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units . It becomes a catalyst for heightened  energy efficiency  within the facility, taming  hotspots  and harnessing the full cooling potential of AC units. Consequently, this could even negate the need for extra CRAC units despite escalating server density. The increasing costs of energy, as well as calls for data centers to be held more accountable for their environmental impact, has led many data centers to implement hot-aisle or cold-aisle containment. Both of these strategies provide substantial energy savings of 30% or more compared to an unconfined

Importance of PUE on Data Center Costs: Optimizing Efficiency and Reducing Expenses

  Importance of PUE on Data Center Costs: Optimizing Efficiency and Reducing Expenses Efficiency measurements like  Power Usage Effectiveness  (PUE) play a crucial role in assisting data center owners and operators in identifying areas for improvement. PUE not only helps in evaluating a data center’s environmental impact and carbon footprint but also aids in identifying cost-saving measures. In this article, we will explore the significance of PUE, how to calculate it, and techniques to lower it for improved data center performance and reduced operating costs. What is PUE and its Importance Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a metric used to assess a data center’s energy efficiency, measured on a scale of one to three, with one being the most efficient. A lower PUE indicates a more efficient data center, leading to reduced operating costs for both the operator and clients. PUE is critical in identifying the environmental impact and energy efficiency of a data center, making it an essen

Data Center Temperature Sensors

  Data Center Temperature Sensors Temperature sensors deployed in data centers monitor the environment the servers and IT equipment are operating. Ensuring the correct operating temperature, in accordance with  ASHRAE  recommendations is an essential element of data center management. The goal is to balance the cooling requirements of the IT equipment with the air supplied by the cooling system. Overcooling wastes energy, under cooling harms equipment and can lead to downtime. Humidity is controlled to prevent electrostatic discharges from occurring, or condensation forming. It is therefore a key element of the data center design to include provision for the proper placement of temperature and humidity sensors, as well as differential air pressure and airflow sensors. In Rack Sensors It is recommended to position temperature sensors at the front, top middle and bottom of the racks. Preferably no less than every 3rd rack in a row. In addition to the front, it is advisable to monitor the

Membangun Data Center Hijau (Green Data Center)

Data Center Hijau, atau Green Data Center, memprioritaskan penggunaan energi yang efisien, dan berkesinambungan , melalui beberapa hal di bawah ini: ✅ Energy-Efficient Infrastructure: Menggunakan server yang hemat energi, storage yang hemat energi, serta sistem cooling yang ramah energi yang secara keseluruhan mengurangi penggunaan energi. 1. Buatlah daftar perangkat yang ada di data center anda 2. Pastikan type, merek dan dapatkan berapa daya yang digunakannya 3. Cek berapa PSU yang digunakan, dan apakah aktif-standby atau aktif-aktif 4. Cek berapa pemakaian CPU rata-rata 5. Cek berapa pemakaian storage rata-rata 6. Pasang sistem EMS untuk mendapatkan data suhu dan kelembaban rata-rata Untuk bisa mendapatkan data ini bisa juga menggunakan NMS seperti PRTG. ✅Renewable Energy Sources: Data center hijau juga menggunakan sumber daya listrik dari renewable energy seperti cahaya matahari, angin dan sumber daya dari air 1. Hitung total daya listrik untuk penerangan, dan beban perangkat 2, Ce

China bangun data center dasar laut setara menenggelamkan 6 juta personal computer

  China menjadi pemiliki data center pertama di dunia berbasis di bawah laut. pesisir pantai Hainan menjadi salah satu lokasi dimana pembangunan data center/superkomputer berbasis bawah laut pertama di China. Mengingat pulau tersebut menjadi salah satu wilayah pengembangan dan pintu selatan digitalitasasi dan maritim. Modul yang berisikan 2 tabung layaknya kapal selam berhasil ditenggelamkan di kedalaman 40 meter di pesisir pantai Hainan, selama 3 jam lebih proses penurunan, mengingat beban yang setara 1000 unit mobil alias 1430 ton. Setelah sampai di dasar laut, penyelam memerlukan waktu 40 menit untuk menyiapkan sistem hingga dapat di operasikan. Data center yang ditenggelamkan setara 60.000 personal komputer yang dapat memproses 4 juta gambar definisi tinggi dalam waktu 30 detik. Dengan berbekal pendingin alami yang dirancang khusus oleh ilmuwan serta kelembaban konstan serta tidak terkontaminasi debu dan angin, kinerja data center meningkat diatas lingkungan konvensional/dara

Cybersecurity threat monitoring and risk assessment solutions

Security leaders rely on a number of threat monitoring and risk assessment tools and solutions to understand, identify and mitigate threats to the enterprise. From security vulnerability scanning to supply chain and third-party risk monitoring,  Security  magazine spotlights cybersecurity threat monitoring and risk assessment solutions that can help improve security posture at various organizations. BlackBerry Protects Private Cloud and On-Premises Applications Designed to support work-from-anywhere deployment models while helping to remediate and automate network risk for both managed and BYO unmanaged devices, CylanceGATEWAY is BlackBerry’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) as a Service solution. ZTNA is a component of the company’s Managed Extended Detection and Response (XDR), which searches for and addresses cyber threats across an enterprise’s entire digital environment, including its network, cloud storage, applications and endpoints. CylanceGATEWAY helps enhance user activity vi