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Showing posts from May, 2012

Perlukah Open Source Masuk Kurikulum?

Rachmatunisa : detikInet detikcom - Depok, Sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan, kampus dan sekolah bisa menjadi awal pengenalan melek open source. Namun kenyataannya, lembaga pendidikan sudah bergantung pada software propietary. Lantas, apakah perlu open source masuk dalam kurikulum? "Paling tidak ada kampus agreement. Misalnya, ya sudah diwajibkan saja. Dan bagi mereka yang belajar itu kita sediakan laboratorium pelatihannya," saran penggiat open source I Made Wiryana. Hal ini dikatakan Made sudah berjalan cukup lama. Dia memang tidak punya data, berapa banyak kampus yang mewajibkan open source. Namun pria berkacamata ini memberikan gambaran, setidaknya Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi punya semacam organisasi open source beranggotakan 54 kampus di seluruh Indonesia. "Minimal itulah, jadi mereka ini yang mengembangkan open source dan mengajak mahasiswa aktif menggunakannya," ujarnya. Dia membagi pengalamannya, di kampus tempat dia mengajar, aturan ini diterapkan.

APEC Education Ministers Commit to innovation and cooperation in education

May 23, 2012 - 04:09 - WAM Gyeongju, Korea, 23 May 2012 (WAM) - APEC Education Ministers today pledged to decisively foster greater innovation and strengthen cooperation in the region's education systems to ensure that growth reaches all citizens. Meeting in Gyeongju, the Ministers acknowledged the digital divide that exists within APEC economies, but stressed that enhancing information and communication technology (ICT) use in education will be key to achieving APEC's education goals and to sustaining economic growth. The Chair of the 5th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting, Ju-Ho Lee, Korea's Minister of Education, Science and Technology, and the APEC Education Ministers present, issued a joint statement that pledged to "fostering regional innovative growth, promoting future skills suitable for the global society, creating innovative instructional delivery systems, and fostering more collaborative policy decisions that provide for our common fulfillment.&q

Yang penting bukan business plan melulu

Great Businesses Don't Start With a plan You want to start a business. So you need a plan, right? No. Not really. As part of the research for a book I'm co-authoring — Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck, due out in August from HBR Press — my colleagues and I interviewed and surveyed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs around the globe to better understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur and build a really great business. One of our most striking findings was that of the entrepreneurs we surveyed who had a successful exit (that is, an IPO or sale to another firm), about 70% did NOT start with a business plan. Instead, their business journeys originated in a different place, a place we call the Heart. They were conceived not with a document but with a feeling and doing for an authentic vision. Clarity of purpose and passion ruled the day with less time spent writing about an idea and more time spent just doing it. It's not that all planning is bad. It's that e

AICTE Rolls Out Microsoft Live@edu to 7 Million Students

AICTE Rolls Out Microsoft Live@edu to 7 Million Students By Kanoe Namahoe⁠04/18/12 The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is rolling out Microsoft's hosted communication and collaboration service, Microsoft Live@edu, over the next three months to roughly 7.5 million students and faculty at more than 10,000 institutions throughout India. The new contract is one Microsoft's largest cloud deployments to date. Live@edu will provide AICTE member institutions with hosted e-mail, Microsoft Office Web Apps, instant messaging, and storage. AICTE plans to expand deployment of Microsoft's cloud services to include Microsoft Exchange Online email and calendar, Microsoft SharePoint Online, Microsoft Lync Online, and Microsoft Office Professional when Microsoft Office 365 for education becomes available later this year. "Microsoft's cloud platform will make for a truly progressive ecosystem and contribute to the country's technical education by p