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Showing posts from November, 2012

10 Virtual appliances yang memudahkan pekerjaan Anda.

10 virtual appliances that can simplify your job By  Jack Wallen September 27, 2012, 10:43 AM PDT Takeaway:  If you’ve never worked with virtual appliances, you owe it to yourself to check them out. Here are 10 good ones that will give you an idea of what they can do for you. When you need to quickly deploy a server or test a server-based application, one of the best means of doing so is by using a virtual appliance. A virtual appliance is essentially a prebuilt virtual machine of a configured server that offers any number of features or services. There are virtual appliances for ERP, CRM, file serving, groupware, and just about every type of server you can think of. You can download complete operating systems or powerful services built on top of full-blown server OSes. I have rounded up 10 of my favorite turnkey solutions, which you can download and load up into your favorite virtual machine host to deploy or test. Since there are hundreds upon hundreds of these types o

5 Virtual Appliances untuk bisnis

The five most useful virtual appliances for business By  Jack Wallen October 30, 2012, 11:53 AM PDT Takeaway:  Choosing the right virtual appliance can solve major problems. Jack Wallen suggests five of his preferred app choices in this area. The virtual appliance is one of those tools that not a lot of businesses are taking advantage of - though they should be. Not only do virtual appliances make it easy to get a specific system up and running, they allow this to be done in a cost effective and reliable way. Simply download the virtual appliance suited for your virtualization technology, boot it up and you are ready to go. In some cases you can run the appliance continually from the “live” appliance. In other cases you can do a complete virtual installation and have a permanent virtual system. Either way, the road to success is quick and painless. This blog post is also available as a TechRepublic Photo Gallery. I have found five virtual appliances perfectly suited fo

Big Data Sudah Menghampiri Indonesia

Big Data Sudah Menghampiri Indonesia Achmad Rouzni Noor II - detikInet Jakarta - Jika melihat perkembangan trafik dan perangkat, bisa dikatakan Indonesia sedang menuju era big data, dimana storage berukuran hingga exabyte bahkan petabyte akan mulai mendominasi. Tren ini akan semakin cepat berkembang jika adopsi dari cloud computing berjalan mulus di Indonesia. "Big data sudah di depan mata, salah satunya didorong oleh kian tingginya adopsi dari cloud computing," ujar penggagas Indonesian Cloud Forum, Teguh Prasetya kepada detikINET, Senin (19/11/2012). Dalam pengertian teknis, big data didefinisikan sebagai sebuah problem domain dimana teknologi tradisional seperti relasional database tidak mampu lagi untuk melayani. Definisi big data yang dimaksud Teguh adalah volume, velositas, dan variasi datanya. Peningkatan volume, velositas, dan variasi data banyak diakibatkan oleh adopsi internet dimana setiap individu memproduksi konten atau paling tidak meninggalkan sidik jari digita

Cisco Songsong Era Virtual Desktop

Laporan dari Singapura Cisco Songsong Era Virtual Desktop Nala Edwin - detikInet (Ist) Singapura - Cisco memperkirakan perkembangan virtual desktop akan semakin pesat beberapa tahun ke depan. Diperkirakan 70 juta komputer desktop di perusahaan-perusahaan akan berubah menjadi virtual dekstop pada 2014. "56 persen organisasi menginginkan desktop virtualization," kata Managing Director, Collaboration Sales, Asia Pacific & Japan Dinesh Malkani. Hal ini diungkapkan Dinesh dalam acara Cisco APJC Partner Led Network Event di Hotel Shangri-La, Singapura, Kamis (17/11/2011). Tingginya minat pada virtual desktop bukan tanpa alasan. Teknologi ini dapat menghemat biaya karena usia penggunaan desktop bisa lebih lama. Desktop virtual juga dinilai lebih irit listrik dibandingkan komputer biasa. "Biaya untuk client devices juga lebih kecil," katanya. Selain masalah biaya, virtual desktop juga memudahkan manajemen teknologi informasi sehingga ongkos insta

Kiosk Layanan Informasi

Kiosk sebagai pusat layanan mandiri untuk informasi perusahaan, sekolah, universitas, lembaga Anda Hubungi kami untuk detailnya. build-access-manage at