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Showing posts from 2011

Solusi Manajemen Akses Internet dengan SANGFOR

Education Challenges: Networks are playing increasingly crucial roles in the internal and external communications of academic institutions, especially in the higher education of colleges and universities. However, there are potential risks associated with the development of this important infrastructure; risks that are the concern of IT managers across academia. Today’s educators and students often have access to comprehensive network resources. Yet the network can also be a source of malware and disruptive content. Open discussion groups and unmonitored postings can create legal or religious problems for colleges and universities. How can a healthy campus network be built? There are enormous numbers of educators and students on campus, and most institutions have multiple external Internet connections. Bandwidth can exceed hundreds of megabits (or even gigabits) per second to meet user demand. Meanwhile, peer-to-peer (P2P) applications c...

E-learning Standards

As an instructor or content expert you may want to know why e-learning standards are important and why you should care whether the content that you create is standards-compliant. E-learning standards and the issues surrounding them can be complex. But in general, the primary goal is to make course content and learning tools compatible among various e-learning delivery systems. The advantage is that you can create “portable” content that can be used in any e-learning delivery system without the need to modify the content. If the content and the e-learning delivery system both comply with the same standard, then the learning system will interpret and deliver your standards-compliant content. SCORM SoftChalk supports the SCORM standard. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of technical specifications developed to support the creation of interoperable, accessible and reusable web-based learning content. The SCORM standards are a work-in-progress, wi...

Top Five M-Learning Best Practices for SoftChalk Mobile Users

Posted August 08, 2011 in Tips & Tricks Mobile learning is an emerging area of e-learning and the best practices are continually evolving. Today Robert Godwin Jones, a founding partner of SoftChalk, shares the top five best practices for SoftChalk SmartMobile. 1. Use automatic mobile formatting feature in SoftChalk 7 When you save a lesson in SoftChalk 7 or higher, a mobile-friendly version of the lesson content is created (in a folder labeled “mobile”) and included when the lesson is packaged or published. When a user accesses that lesson on a mobile phone such as an iPhone or Android phone, this specially formatted Web version of the content is delivered automatically. The font size, page width/formatting, navigation and image size are optimized for a smaller screen. 2. Avoid using Flash-based content Flash is not supported on Apple mobile devices. This includes the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch. Flash is supported on some but not all Andro...

Menggunakan Zoho Creator untuk pelatihan software

How Zoho Creator found its way into a Business School Curriculum : A Success Story Oct 04 2011 08:45:00 AM Posted By : Aparna Comments (3) Time and again, businesses from varied backgrounds deploy customized Zoho Creator applications for their varied needs. While it is easy to imagine a few run-of-the-mill applications which can come in handy, the truly creative and innovative use cases that our users come up with never cease to amaze us. We take pride in showcasing such ingenious Zoho Creator applications built by some of our enthusiastic users. Today we are here with yet another usergroup that has taken the usability of Zoho Creator to an altogether different level. The Insti: IIT Kharagpur is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India. Offering a plethora of courses in graduate, post graduate, management and doctoral studies, being an IIT-ian is every student’s dream. VGSOM is IIT Kharagpur’s B School. It is one of the top ra...

Versi terbaru MariaDB

The MariaDB project would like to announce the availability of MariaDB 5.3.2-beta, the latest addition to our growing lineup of supported software. MariaDB 5.3.2-beta is a bug-fix update to the previous 5.3.1 and 5.3.0 betas. == About MariaDB 5.3 The MariaDB 5.3 series introduces many new features, includes MariaDB 5.2, and is based on MySQL 5.1. Some highlights of new features in MariaDB 5.3 include: - subquery optimizations that finally make subqueries usable - many optimizer changes, including Classic Hash Join, Batched Key Access, a new implementation of Multi-Range-Read optimizations as well as Index Condition Pushdown - NoSQL-style interfaces via the HandlerSocket plugin as well as dynamic columns - group commit in XtraDB when the binary log is enabled - Microsoft Windows performance improvements These are just some of the highlights, and for a more complete list of changes, please read the What is MariaDB 5.3 page: == About Mari...

Fixing Indonesian Education's Poor Scores

Bruce Gale - Straits Times Indonesia | October 07, 2011  Indonesia ranks 61st out of 65 countries when it comes to 15-year-olds' proficiency in mathematics. Their reading skills are a little better, with teenagers in only seven countries performing worse. (JG Photo/ Yudhi Sukma Wijaya) Indonesia ranks 61st out of 65 countries when it comes to 15-year-olds' proficiency in mathematics. Their reading skills are a little better, with teenagers in only seven countries performing worse. This is the conclusion of a study carried out in 2009 by the Program for International Student Assessment (Pisa) and coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Why are Indonesian youngsters so far behind? Some observers believe the problem arises from a lack of sufficient funding for education. Others blame it on a corrupt and poorly designed national examination system. These are certainly contributing factors. An equally serious problem may be the education system...

10 Kalimat Inspiratif Sang Jenius

Santi Dwi Jayanti : detikInet detikcom - Jakarta, Sosok legendaris di ranah teknologi, Steve Jobs, telah meninggal dunia di usianya yang ke-56. Akan tetapi, jejak kesuksesannya tidak akan pernah dilupakan. Kesuksesan yang ia raih bersama Apple ini tidak luput dari cara Jobs memandang kehidupan serta bisnis yang ia jalani. Ia pun sering berbagi kalimat penuh inspirasi. Berikut beberapa di antaranya: "Sangat sulit membuat desain sebuah produk. Kerap kali orang-orang tidak mengetahui apa yang mereka inginkan, sampai kita menunjukkannya pada mereka". (BussinessWeak, 1998). "Ini adalah salah satu mantra saya - fokus dan kesederhanaan. Kamu harus berkerja lebih keras untuk menjernihkan pikiran dan menghasilkan kesederhanaan. Pada akhirnya hal ini akan setimpal. Saat kamu tiba di sana, kamu bisa memindahkan gunung". (BusinessWeek, 1998). "Menjadi orang terkaya di pemakaman tidak berarti bagi saya...Pergi ke tempat tidur dan mengatakan bahwa kami telah melakukan sesua...

AETNA , AETHRA & AVTHRA Interactive Kiosk - Okt 2011

AETNA , AETHRA & AVTHRA Interactive Kiosks Ready Stock : == Chassis Box / Kiosks == -1) AETNA-5.6 (incl. LCD + TS 15.6") = $ 1000,- -2) AETNA-7 (incl. LCD + TS 17") = $ 1150,- -3) AVTHRA-7w ( incl. LCD + TS 17"wide) = $ 1550,- ( Vertical View ) -4) AETHRA-7 ( incl. LCD + TS 17") = $ 1500,- ( Slim Kiosks ) -5) AETNA-9 (incl. LCD + TS 19") = $ 1550,- -6) AETNA-23 (incl. ALL IN ONE PC 23") = $ 1850,- Bahan Black Galvanis cover, sdh termasuk Speaker, Power Cord, Exhaust fan Applications & Function - Queue Machine / Ticketing - Point of Sales / Data Entry - Banking & Financial Institution - Building, Mall & Public Information - Showroom / Gallery / Museum - Restaurant Menu / - Product Information & Promotion - Children Education / Training - Internet Station / Simulation - Industrial & Machine Control - e-HRD / Employee Self Service much more . . . . . . . Custom/Special Design WELCOME!! Interactive Kiosks HOTLIN...

[Results] Higher Ed CMS Usage - 2010

At the end of February, .eduGuru set out to begin another round of research on a trend in higher ed web development. This time, we took a look at the CMSs being used from school to school. Which CMS to use for a university is a question that lingers in forums and on mailing lists frequently, and it’s our hope that you will find the following information helpful in deciding which system will be best for you. Additionally, we’ll be following up with a series of guest articles over the next couple months that will discuss their experience using the top CMSs from this list for their school’s web site. This post will be fairly long in order to review all the data. If you want, you can download the data now and review it on your own (this data has been edited to provide anonymity to the contributors. Additionally, this research is released under a by-sa Creative Commons 3.0 License . It is provided as a zip file with .xls, .pdf, .csv, and .ods formats for your convenience). The...

Choosing the Right CMS for Your Higher Education Institution

Jun. 03, 2010 Under: Higher Education With education budgets getting tighter and tighter, and the number of responsibilities and possibilities available for university web departments growing, the typical work load for higher education web professionals has dramatically increased over the last few years, and it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon. On top of that, the newer applications like mobile web marketing and social media are continuing to become more popular and education websites are under more pressure than ever to compete. Most universities know that to stay competitive on the web today, an institution needs a dynamic website with significant social media functionality to ensure that your website is up-to-date, that your content is fresh, and that you provide web-savvy students the information they need in a format they like and recognize. More often than not, the answer to getting your website to the level it needs to be a...

10 most common security vulnerabilities in web applications

Problem A1: Unvalidated Input How Plone handles this: All input in Plone is validated, and the framework makes sure you can never input data that is not of the required type. This is probably the number one reason why Plone sites — even when deployed and developed by people new to web security — are not compromised. Problem A2: Broken Access Control How Plone handles this: Plone is based on the well-proven (7 years in production), flexible and granular ACL/roles-based security model of Zope. In addition, Plone utilizes an innovative workflow-based approach to security, which means that end-users never see or modify the security settings — they only work with security presets that have been supplied to them by the developers of the application. This greatly reduces the possibility of misconfigured security settings. Problem A3: Broken Authentication and Session Management How Plone handles this: Plone authenticates users in its own database using a SHA-1 hash of the...

Five source control systems for distributed development teams

By Justin James | September 23, 2011, 7:51 AM PDT If you have developers offsite or otherwise working in a disconnected manner, version control can be a challenge. Traditional centralized version control systems like Team Foundation Server and Subversion use a central server to be a "single point of contact" and maintain a canonical version of files, which is a tough paradigm for distributed teams to work with. Thankfully, a new breed of version control systems, called distributed version control systems, do away with the need for a central repository (though you can make one if you want). These version control systems make life easy for disconnected teams to work. Here are five that work well for teams spread across time zones and geographical areas. 1: Git Git is one of the most popular distributed version control systems. Originally written by Linus Torvalds (and distributed under the GPL) to serve as the repository for Linux kernel development, it has gained widespread ad...

Aplikasi LMS yang tangguh

Dalam salah satu diskusi dengan para pengembang aplikasi Learning Management System (LMS) khususnya adalah DOKEOS, hal menarik yang mereka sampaikan adalah mereka baru saja menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan Kementrian Pendidikan Thailand ( Ministry of Education of Thailand).   Website yang ditunjukan adalah Website ini saat ini (Sep 2011) melayani hingga 100.000 user dan mereka akan mengarah hingga 1 juta user pada tahun ini juga. Dokeos sendiri juga memiliki beberapa versi, ada yang opensource dan versi Pro. Versi Pro inilah yang disarankan untuk digunakan, tentu saja tidak gratis dan biayanya cukup mahal, tapi bila dibandingkan dengan manfaatnya, tentu lebih banyak manfaatnya. Silahkan mencoba dan menggunakan aplikasi ini, dapat didownload disini ( Sedangkan untuk implementasi dan pengayaan kontennya, dapat menghubungi kami. Dokeos or Dokeos PRO? Dokeos is the Open Source alternative  Learning System. Dokeos ...