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Showing posts from March, 2011

Guru Melek IT Menuju Pentas Dunia  

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Penggunaan teknologi dalam proses belajar mengajar semakin banyak diterapkan di sekolah-sekolah. Bukan sekedar praktis, kegiatan belajar menjadi lebih menarik, mudah dipahami, dan aman. Namun, baru segelintir guru yang dapat memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai alat mengajar. Salah satu pengajar yang mampu memanfaatkannya adalah Ari Budiyanto. Guru Komputer dan Multimedia dari Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Condong Catur, Yogyakarta ini mengajak siswa membuat karangan prosa atau puisi untuk menerapkan modul belajar mengetik dengan sepuluh jari. "Kami mengemas kegiatan pembelajaran komputer dan multimedia menjadi kegiatan yang menarik dan menyenangkan bagi para siswa," kata Ari. Setiap karya yang dibuat akan disimpan dalam bentuk majalah digital di server sekolah dan dapat diakses siswa maupun guru yang memiliki akun. Di jaringan sekolah itu, mereka juga dapat berinteraksi satu sama lain, seperti memberikan komentar dan penilaian terhadap hasil karya temannya

Kuliah di Harvard dari rumah

21 Maret 2011 14:19 GMT  "Di dunia internet Anda tidak harus memenuhi gedung-gedung atau bangsal kuliah dengan orang lain dan Anda tidak perlu terjebak dalam jadwal kuliah," kata Peter Scott, Direktur Institut Pengetahuan Media di Open University Inggris. Open University atau universitas terbuka ini memungkinkan orang-orang belajar dari rumah pada waktu yang mereka atur sendiri dan mendapatkan gelar sarjana. Universitas itu menjadi pelopor gelar sarjana lewat internet. Universitas yang memiliki lebih dari 263.000 mahasiswa di 23 negara itu sekarang menjadi pemecah rekor di iTunes U, bagian dari toko online iTunes yang menyediakan perpustakaan digital materi kuliah bagi mahasiswa dan staf universitas. Materi kuliah Open University yang disediakan di iTunes U diunduh 31 juta kali, lebih banyak dari universitas manapun dan merupakan 10% dari seluruh materi yang diunduh lewat iTunes U. Hampir 90% dari pengunduh adalah pengguna yang berasal dari luar Inggris. Sarjana mandiri Tida

Solusi Learning Management mana yang tepat?

Pertanyaan yang sama yang saya dapatkan pada waktu terlibat dalam sebuah pekerjaan di perguruan tinggi. Untuk menjawabnya, silahkan membandingkan apa yang telah ada. gunakan tools ini: Silahkan hubungi kami untuk pembuatan e-learning system, digital content instructional system untuk eLearning Anda.

Teknik Pengukuran Kualitas Perangkat Lunak

by Romi Satria Wahono Deras masuknya produk perangkat lunak dari luar negeri di satu sisi menguntungkan pengguna karena banyaknya pilihan produk dan harga. Namun di sisi lain cukup mengkhawatirkan karena di Indonesia tidak ada institusi yang secara aktif bertugas membuat standard dalam pengukuran kualitas perangkat lunak yang masuk ke Indonesia. Demikian juga dengan produk-produk perangkat lunak lokal, tentu akan semakin meningkat daya saing internasionalnya apabila pengembang dan software house di Indonesia mulai memperhatikan masalah kualitas perangkat lunak ini. Kualitas perangkat lunak (software quality) adalah tema kajian dan penelitian  turun temurun dalam sejarah ilmu rekayasa perangkat lunak (software engineering). Kajian dimulai dari apa yang akan diukur (apakah proses atau produk), apakah memang perangkat lunak bisa diukur, sudut pandang pengukur dan bagaimana menentukan parameter pengukuran kualitas perangkat lunak. Bagaimanapun juga mengukur kualitas p

Elements of Digital Learning

The Elements of Digital Learning were released on December 1 at Excellence in Action National Summit on Education Reform 2010 in Washington DC. View the full report here. 10 ELEMENTS OF HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL LEARNING 1. Student Eligibility: All students are digital learners. Actions for lawmakers and policymakers: • State ensures access to high quality digital content and online courses to all students. • State ensures access to high quality digital content and online courses to students in K-12 at any time in their academic career. 2. Student Access: All students have access to high quality digital content and online courses. Actions for lawmakers and policymakers: • State does not restrict access to high quality digital content and online courses with policies such as class size ratios and caps on enrollment or budget. • State does not restrict access to high quality digital content and online courses based on geography, such as school district, county, or state. • State requires stud

Survey Finds Strong Support for Educational Technology

By Leila Meyer 03/14/11 Most educational leaders around the world support technology in education and believe it is increasingly transforming teaching and learning, according to an international survey commissioned by Cisco and conducted by Washington, DC-based Clarus Research Group. The survey revealed that education is transitioning to the new "connected learning" networked economy, which requires technological skills development for increased global competitiveness in education. Clarus conducted telephone interviews with 500 educational administrators and information technology decision-makers in 14 countries across five continents. Half of the respondents were from K-12 schools, and the other half were from colleges and universities. The majority of people surveyed indicated they see potential for technology to improve student employment prospects, distance education opportunities, student engagement, communication and collaboration, and research capabilities. Most als

Membuat materi pembelajaran dengan Flash

Seringkali kita berpikir rumit untuk membuat media pembelajaran untuk murid atau mahasiswa kita. Salah satu tools yang tersedia adalah menggunakan BB Flash Recorder ( download disini ). Mulailah mendownload dan menginstallnya di komputer kita, dan gunakan dengan mudah. BB Flash Recorder tersedia versi free yang dapat kita gunakan dengan baik.  Seluruh materi akan tersimpan dalam bentuk flash dan dapat disebarluaskan dengan mudah. Selamat mencoba. Apabila Anda ingin membeli license software BB Flash Recorder dapat menghubungi kami.

Can Tech Transcend the Textbook?

As the e-book market explodes, publishers and educators debate why e-textbooks lag behind -- and what they should even look like. By John K. Waters 03/01/11 Illustration by Ryan Etter After traveling a long, tortuous road, the much-anticipated e-book revolution has finally arrived. Any doubt that the future of the book is digital has been laid to rest. Kindles and iPads sold like hotcakes during the 2010 Christmas shopping season, and Forrester Research expects the recipients of those devices to spend more than $1 billion on e-books in 2011, and $3 billion by the middle of the decade. So where's the revolution in the e -textbook market? According to the National Association of College Stores (NACS), digital books currently account for less than 3 percent of textbook sales. NACS expects that percentage to reach 10 to 15 percent by 2012, while researchers at Simba Information predict that e-textbooks will acco

When Textbooks and Social Media Collide

A professor at a Christian liberal arts college in Michigan puts textbooks together with social networking to get students jazzed about historical events. By Bridget McCrea 03/09/11 Right around the time that the term "social networking" was starting to roll off the tongues of school administrators and teachers, Christian Spielvogel was already deep in the throes of a project that would combine the next concept with traditional textbooks. The year was 2007, and Spielvogel, now an associate professor of communication at Hope College in Holland, MI, was experimenting with the idea of implementing gaming and computer simulations while on sabbatical at the University of Virginia . Having conducted intensive research into the public memory of the Civil War period, Spielvogel wanted to "un-romanticize" public perception of the conflict and create a more realistic, engaging, and even risky learning experience for high s

Virtualizing the Campus Data Center

Reducing servers in the data center through virtualization saved so much money for Loyola University Chicago that the move paid for itself almost before the project was complete. At another Chicago institution, Saint Xavier University, annual virtualization savings from energy cuts and less hardware is estimated at some $7,500 a year--including not just a smaller utility bill, but fewer software licenses and greater efficiency. Saint Xavier's 'Green Angle' And, by reducing the overall server load, virtualization has brought an added benefit: Regardless of the original reasons for the downsizing, the much-unappreciated campus data center may well get a PR boost for "going green." "It did help to mention the green angle" in proposing Saint Xavier's data center revamp, according to Dan Lichter, director of data and network infrastructure at Saint Xavier. The university, an independent Catholic institution in Chicago with 5,000-plus students, had launche