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PRTG untuk monitoring ruang server Smart City

Why Are We Making Cities Smart?         Everything seems smart these days: smart phones, smart homes, smart watches and smart cities. It seems humans are devising more and more “Things” to think for us. Does that mean humans will become more stupid? Whatever your stance on this, the technological advancement behind it is recognizably impressive. What Makes A City Smart? According to  Wikipedia , a city is smart if it integrates information and communication technology (ICT), and Internet of Things (IoT), in a secure fashion to manage its assets. The interconnectivity of these assets allows the city to monitor what’s going on in the city, how it’s evolving and how to enable a better quality of life. Examples of things monitored in smart cities are: Waste Management  – monitoring the fullness of public waste bins around the city, so they are only emptied when full (saving costs and reducing congestion). Parking Sensors  – t...

Top 10 Data Center Best Practices

Load density, air distribution, floor tile positioning; data center design is more complicated than ever, but with some best practice considerations, creating an efficient, reliable data center design is within your grasp.  Let's explore 10 Important Data Center Best Practices: When designing your data center, consider initial and future loads; in particular part and low-load conditions . Lower data center power consumption and increase cooling efficiency by grouping together equipment with similar heat load densities and temperature requirements. This allows cooling systems to be controlled to the least energy-intensive set points for each location. As a long-time data center professional, I encourage all my customers to reference the "2011 ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments" to review the standardized operating envelope for the recommended IT operating temperature.   Identify the class of your data center   to determine the recommended ...

Apa beda data center dan cloud ?

What is the difference between data center and cloud? A Data center can be defined as a facility which incorporates components such as servers, communication media and data storage facilities. Along with this it also contains various components which are essential to run a data center like power supply, backup systems, redundant communication connection, HVAC systems, security devices etc. It’s an on-premise hardware solution where all the resources are locally present at access which is typically run and maintained by in-house. On the other hand, a Cloud is a virtual infrastructure that is accessed or delivered with a local network or accessing the remote location through internet. The cloud services can be accessed on-demand whenever the user requires on a pay per use basis or a dedicated resource, this model is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Within this environment, the user can access computing resources, networking services and storage which the users can acce...

3 Hal penting di ruang server anda

Dalam beberapa kesempatan, saya mengunjungi para perusahaan pemilik usaha data center di Jakarta dan sekitarnya, dan selalu ada 3 hal yang harus menjadi perhatian utama mereka. Tegangan Di area ruang server atau data center, baik ukuran skala kecil hingga besar, tegangan tentu akan menjadi hal penting. Tegangan yang stabil menjadi syarat agar perangkat bisa berjalan normal. Tegangan yang stabil umumnya memperhatikan ketersediaan UPS. Perangkat UPS sekarang telah sangat canggih dan dilengkapi dengan stabiliser, harmonizer dan beragam teknologi lainnya. Tapi pastikanlah bahwa perangkat UPS anda memiliki kemampuan monitoring, terutama dengan SNMP. Dengan adanya kemampuan monitoring melalui SNMP, maka informasi tegangan dan parameter lain dari UPS dapat dipantau dengan mudah. Ada beberapa UPS yang mengharuskan menggunakan program aplikasi dari mereka sendiri, tapi sangat disarankan memiliki UPS yang memiliki keterbukaan protokol dan umumnya menggunakan SNMP atau ModBus. Baik ...

How to benefit from the same network structure used by social media giants

How to benefit from the same network structure used by social media giants by  Fundiswa Buthelezi  | Jun 12, 2017 |  Cumulus Networks ,  Networking ,  Product News ,  Tools & Tutorials  |  0 comments If you’ve heard the buzz in the networking world lately, or if you’ve been paying attention to the back-to-back launches by Cumulus Networks as of late, then you’ve probably heard the term, “web-scale networking.” But what does that actually mean? The term web-scale networking is inspired by data center giants like Facebook and Google. The industry looked at data centers like theirs and asked, “what are they doing that we can mimic at a smaller scale?” By analyzing these organizations and the benefits they receive from their tactics, the term “web-scale” was born. Essentially, web-scale refers to the hyperscale website companies that have built private, efficient and scalable cloud environments. Web-scale networking: a definition We...

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1438H

Pertimbangkan Fungsi Utama DCIM

Key DCIM Functionality Considerations BY  SARAH RUBENOFF  -  JUNE 7, 2017   LEAVE A COMMENT The ecosystem of the data center has many potential points to monitor. Share 3 Tweet 3 Share +1 1 Pin SHARES 7 This is the second entry in a Data Center Frontier series that explores the ins and outs of data infrastructure management, and how to tell whether your company should adopt a DCIM system. This series, compiled in a  complete Guide , also covers implementation and training, and moving beyond the physical aspects of a facility. The following are key DCIM functionality considerations to take into account when choosing a system for your business or customers. Save Download the report now. Energy Efficiency Monitoring The ecosystem of the data center has many potential points to monitor. While it would be ideal to monitor everything, cost and value becomes part of the decision process. The focal point of what will be...

5 Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam desain Airflow Containment

5 Key Considerations for Airflow Containment Design BY  VOICES OF THE INDUSTRY  -  JUNE 8, 2017   LEAVE A COMMENT By implementing an effective airflow containment strategy, it is possible to see optimized cooling system efficiency, improved Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and additional equipment capacity, all without having to expand a facility’s footprint. (Photo: Simplex) Share 16 Tweet 14 Share 20 +1 2 Pin SHARES 52 In this week’s Voices of the Industry, Ward Patton, Critical Environment Specialist at Simplex Isolation Systems, unpacks five key considerations for airflow containment design.  Data center containment systems can provide great benefits­ over traditional open data center designs. By implementing an effective airflow containment strategy, it is possible to see optimized cooling system efficiency, improved Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and additional equipment capacity, all without having to expand a facility’s foo...