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Showing posts from October, 2014

3 faktor dan strategi dalam migrasi data center

3 risk factors and strategies when managing data center migrations By  Keith Townsend   October 26, 2014, 9:02 AM PST   //    virtualizedgeek Email Alert RSS Your primary concern when migrating data centers is making sure services remain available. Learn how to approach this issue, as well as how to migrate hardware and data safely.  Data center migrations are complex operations that can be difficult to explain to executives who write the check for the migration activities and need to understand and manage the associated business operations risks. We'll take a look at some of the complexities and risks associated with migrating a data center. Service availability The primary purpose of the data center is to host applications that service the business. Whenever you consider migration from one data center to another, you must first consider the availability of the underlying services. These services include infrastructure ap...

Memeriksa APAR anda.

Pengecekan APAR This entry was posted on January 18, 2012, in  Fire & Explotion  and tagged  apar ,  api , kebakaran ,  pemadam . Bookmark the  permalink . 1 Comment  Alat pemadam api ringan atau sering disebut dengan APAR, adalah alat yang dibeli namun diharapkan tidak pernah digunakan sama sekali. Mengapa ? karena apabila APAR digunakan berarti telah terjadi kebakaran, dan telah terjadi kegagalan dalam program pencegahan kebakaran di tempat kerja. Meskipun APAR tidak pernah diharapkan untuk digunakan, namun kondisi APAR harus selalu dalam kondisi “siap” digunakan kapan saja. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengecekan rutin (bisa 1, 3 atau 6 bulan sekali). lalu apakah yang harus kita cek ketika memeriksa APAR dan menentukan apakah APAR masih layak dan “siap” digunakan. 1. Cek label pengisian ulang APAR, kapankah APAR terakhir kali di isi ulang. 2. Cek tekanan ( pressure gauge ) dari APAR, apakah masih menunjukan posisi hijau. 3. Cek Safety...


CARA PEMERIKSAAN ALAT PEMADAM API PEMERIKSAAN ALAT PEMADAM API RINGAN / BERODA Setiap APAR wajib diperiksa setidaknya setiap 6 (enam ) bulan. Pemeriksaan berdasarkan NFPA 10: 1. Alat pemadam api berada di tempat yang ditentukan 2. Alat pemadam api tidak terhalang atau tersembunyi 3. Alat pemadam api disetel/ diatur sesuai dengan NFPA standard no. 10 (portable fire extinguisher) 4. Pressure Gauge/indikator tekanan menunjukkan tekanan yang cukup 5. Menimbang bobot APAR (terutama unit APAR CO2 untuk identifikasi ada tidaknya kebocoran) 6.Pin dan seal terdapat di tempatnya, tidak terdapat kerusakan 7. Alat pemadam api tidak menunjukkan adanya gejala kerusakan/gangguan 8. Nozzle bebas dari sumbatan 9. Terdapat petunjuk penggunaan  dan label pada alat pemadam api 10.Roda dapat berputar untuk unit alat pemadam api beroda Problem yang umum terjadi pada alat pemadam api ringan: -Kerusakan/keausan pada bagian parts dari alat pemadam api -Turunnya tekana...

Kegagalan, Problem dan Transparansi di Data Center

The lack of transparency can be seen as a root cause of outages and incidents By Jason Weckworth I recently began a keynote speech at Uptime Institute Symposium 2013 by making a bold statement. As data center operators, we simply don’t share enough of our critical facilities incidents with each other. Yet Uptime Institute maintains an entire membership organization called the Uptime Institute Network that is dedicated to providing owners and operators the ability to share experiences and best practices by facilitating a rich information nexus exchange between members and the Uptime Institute. Why isn’t every major data center provider already a member of this Network? Why don’t we share more experiences with each other? Why are we reluctant to share details of our incidents? Of course, we love to talk about each other’s incidents as though our competitors were hit with a plague while we remain immune from any potential for disaster. Our industry remains very secretive about sha...

Apakah Uptime Tier Classification System ?

Explaining the Uptime Institute’s Tier Classification System in  Executive An abbreviated version of this column was written for  Data Center Knowledge  in response to an interview with AFCOM Denver Chapter President Hector Diaz, on September 11, 2014. Uptime Institute’s Tier Classification System for data centers is approaching the two decade mark. Since its creation in the mid-1990s, the system has evolved from a shared industry terminology into the global standard for third-party validation of data center critical infrastructure. Over the years, some industry pundits have expressed frustration with the Tier System for being confusing. In many cases these writers have misrepresented the purpose and purview of the program. Invariably, these authors and interview subjects have never been involved with a Tier Certification project. Typically, the commentator’s understanding of the Tiers is entirely secondhand and ten years out of date. Anyone in the industr...