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Showing posts from 2015

Fwd: Nagios XI 5.2.1 Now Available

Upgrade to Nagios XI 5.2.1 Now Nagios XI 5.2.1 is now available. This release provides increased stability, and fixes for every reported bug. Nagios XI 5.2.1 is now available. This release provides increased stability, and fixes for every reported bug.   Upgrade Now To view a full list of changes included in this release, you may reference the changelog . Need help upgrading? Upgrade your XI installation to the latest release using the following instructions listed here .    We greatly appreciate the feedback that the Nagios community continues to provide. If there is a feature you would like to see in a future release of Nagios XI, be sure to share your ideas with our tech team in our  Nagios Ideas Forum . Want to learn more about the features and capabilities of Nagios XI?  Attend one of our upcoming webinars...

Monitoring Data Center

Monitoring datacenter performance - a synergy of server performance (both physical & virtual), application performance, and sufficient bandwidth, is a great challenge. The challenge rises multifold when disparate monitoring tools are used. Whenever an end user reports slow access to an application, the issue could be with the server or bandwidth or application itself. To find out the exact issue you have to poke your head into multiple monitors and look out every nook and corner, right from server performance to bandwidth bottlenecks to application performance. You will not find any correlation between the data provided by the tools. By the time you organize the data and hunt down the issue, the application would have gone down completely. Monitor your Datacenter Performance from OpManager's unified web console ManageEngine OpManager offers an integrated approach towards datacenter monitoring that helps you proactively monitor physical & virtual servers, applications...

Monitoring suhu ruangan melalui NMS

With PRTG Network Monitor you can set up sensors that constantly monitor the availability and performance of important servers and other equipment in the server room. Furthermore, it is possible to closely monitor environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. Environmental monitoring is an important issue to protect your equipment from damage that is caused by high temperatures, humidity, or other external influences. If something uncommon is detected, PRTG can notify you in several ways (please see  Notifications  in the user manual). An extensive monitoring takes place on two levels: On the one hand, you can obtain measurements directly from the servers and on the other hand, you should also consider environmental values measured in your server room. Monitoring Servers With more than 150 sensor types, PRTG can obtain many different measurements from the devices in your network, including uptime, bandwidth usage, and performance values. Additionally, i...

Panel Listrik dengan Pintu Proteksi

Sering kali kita lihat Panel Listrik di tempat umum tidak terproteksi. Gunakan panel pintu tambahan seperti ini untuk menjaga panel agar tidak disentuh oleh tangan jahil.

Rak 6U dari Rittal

Rak 6U dari Rittal dengan harga khusus.

Rak untuk Colocation

Rak khusus untuk Colocation dari Rittal

10 Prinsip Desain Data Center Google

Google has long pushed the envelope of data center infrastructure design, particularly when it comes to renewable energy, efficient cooling, new power electronics and innovative building layouts. And according to Joe Kava, vice president of Google’s data centers, Google’s data center strategy roughly follows Google’s  original 10 core defining principles  that the company’s founders wrote out when it was still very young. Kava laid out these tenants, and connected them to Google’s data center design strategy, during the Green Grid Forum in Santa Clara, Calif. on Tuesday: 1). Focus on the users and all else will follow:  Google’s audience is global, so it’s not surprising that the search giant is looking to build data centers across the globe to serve different regions of the world. By placing servers as close to users as possible, Google cuts down on the time it takes for users to use its tools and do search queries. Kava said Google processes 1 billi...