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Showing posts from March, 2012

How to Build a Mini Computer for Linux Distro

Because Linux is powerful but does not take up as much space or as many resources, it has become a popular operating system to run on mini-computer systems. Building a mini-computer system for your Linux distribution can save you money and reward you with a higher-quality computer than if you had purchased a similar complete system from the store.  Step 1 Items you will need Barebone kit Processor Heatsink Thermal paste Hard drive Optical media drive Peripheral cards Data cables Keyboard Mouse Linux distribution CD Research the mini-computer parts and components. There are many options to choose from when dealing with mini-computer setups. Generally, you purchase a "barebone kit" that has the specialty case and motherboard found in mini-computer setups. Make sure to purchase a setup that works with the Linux distribution you plan to use. (Most Linux distributions do not work with Atom processors in their standard format.) Make note of any additional components that you need ...

Top 5 Open Source Project Management Software

We have compiled a list of top 5 open source and hence free-to-use project management software that will make managing and collaborating on multiple projects a charm. A simple Project Management Software facilitates planning, organizing and scheduling tasks. A more complex project management software can provide tools for allocation of resources, tracking issues, cost or budget management, customer support and sales analysis. There are all sorts of project management software available in the market to cater to the needs of an individual or a small to medium sized groups and business organizations. Our Top 5 open source project management softwares are - 1. TeamLab  TeamLab is a very easy to use and feature rich online collaboration service.A quick snapshot of the dashboard will help you understand its simplicity.   Some of its Main Features are - ⁠●⁠Project Management - Build teams and assign tasks. Schedule project milestones, track project activit...

Is Ubuntu becoming a big name in enterprise Linux servers?

Is Ubuntu becoming a big name in enterprise Linux servers? By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | March 14, 2012, 2:11pm PDT When you think of Ubuntu Linux, what do you think of? I would guess you think about the Linux desktop. While Ubuntu is certainly a big player—maybe the biggest—when it comes to the Linux desktop, Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu wants you to know that "A remarkable thing happened this year: companies started adopting Ubuntu over RHEL for large-scale enterprise workloads, in droves."  Since last summer, Ubuntu has been more popular than Red Hat as a Web server. Shuttleworth makes this claim because, according to W3Tech, which surveys technologies used on the Web, shows that since July 2011 Ubuntu has overtaken Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for Web servers. According to W3Techs, as of February, "Ubuntu s now used on 6% of all Web servers, up from 4% one year ago." Shuttleworth choose Web servers for his benchmark bec...

Stop juggling with disparate IT tools.

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Pengguna Gak Pede Pakai Open Source?

Achmad Rouzni Noor II : detikInet detikcom - Jakarta, Banyak manfaat didapatkan dari menggunakan open source, salah satunya efisiensi. Tapi itu belum cukup untuk menarik minat masyarakat untuk menggunakannya. Salah satu hambatan yang dihadapi adalah rasa percaya diri untuk menggunakan peranti lunak berbasis terbuka tersebut. Apalagi selama ini sebagian masyarakat sudah lama terbiasa menggunakan software proprietary. "Kadang yang jadi persoalan adalah ada semacam habitual dari sebagian masyarakat, kalau tidak pakai yang proprietary kurang percaya diri. Padahal sudah banyak kisah sukses dari open source seperti, sistem operasi komputer, handphone dan tablet, web browser, web server, office suite, database server," terang Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Komunfo Gatot S Dewa Broto, kepada detikINET, di Gedung Kemenkominfo, Jakarta, Selasa (13/3/2012). Gatot menambahkan kadang ada sejumlah hardware yang tidak didukung untuk penggunaan open source. Sedangkan sisi lain...

Biar Hemat dengan Open Source, Presiden Perlu Turun Tangan?

Selasa, 13/03/2012 17:41 WIB Achmad Rouzni Noor II : detikInet detikcom - Jakarta, Open source sukses menekan biaya komputasi Pemda Pekalongan hingga Rp 32 miliar. Jika bisa menghemat pengeluaran demikian besar, mengapa program go open source ini tak diikuti oleh seluruh instansi pemerintah lainnya? Niat ini sejatinya sudah digaungkan sejak 2005 lalu. Bahkan, Kementerian Kominfo sempat bertekad untuk memigrasikan seluruh operating system yang ada di semua departemen dan instansi pemerintah ke open source pada akhir 2011 kemarin. "Sudah berlangsung migrasi di banyak instansi pemerintah, tetapi belum full applicable," kata Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Kominfo, Gatot S Dewa Broto, kepada detikINET usai IOSA 2012, Selasa (13/3/2012). "Misalnya, kementerian 'A' sudah ada yang gunakan open source, tetapi hanya minoritas. Karena yang mayoritas tetap yang proprietary," lanjut Gatot. Ia pun berpendapat, agar open source bisa 'dipaksakan' jadi...

Modal Pas-pasan, Open Source Kian Dilirik

Susetyo Dwi Prihadi : detikInet detikcom - Jakarta, Penggunaan open source saat ini sudah tidak lagi sekadar slogan. Buktinya, banyak perusahaan yang disebutkan mulai beralih ke aplikasi berbasis terbuka itu. "Sekarang banyak perusahaan consulting yang tadinya menawarkan solusi berbasis proprietary sekarang mulai menawarkan solusi yang sama fungsinya, tapi berbasis open source," jelas penggiat open source I Made Wiryana, kepada detikINET, di Gedung Kominfo, Jakarta, Selasa (13/3/2012). Pria yang menjabat sebagai Ketua Committe Indonesia Open Source Award (IOSA) 2012 itu mengungkapkan, aplikasi berbasis open source pastinya akan memberikan banyak keuntungan berlipat bagi penggunanya. Dengan menggunakan open source, profit atau keuntungan yang didapat akan jauh lebih besar. Karena harga solusi yang ditawarkan sama, tapi modalnya tidak terlalu banyak. Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Heru Nugroho, penggiat open source dari Yayasan Air Putih. Menurutnya, di kalangan industri, ap...

Aneka Kiosk

Aneka kiosk untuk keperluan Anda: + information kiosk + self service kiosk + school kiosk + company information Silahkan hubungi kami untuk keperluan implementasi kiosk anda Fanky 08121057533

Gesture-based tech: A future in education?

By Charlie Osborne | March 10, 2012, 3:52pm PST It was not all that long ago when classrooms were utterly devoid of modern technology. The most sophisticated devices that were supplied to teachers would be a cassette player — still often in use — the occasional projector, and even rarer still, a computer. That is not to imply that educational establishments are not investing what they can in the next generation. Budgetary cuts, financial constraints, large class sizes and simple impracticality may all be reasons why more innovative tools and technology are not readily implemented across Western educational institutions. However, there is a shift towards technology-based classrooms. From Apple striking deals with colleges to provide iPads to students to smart board installations or even bring-your-own-device schemes — the change is gradual, but we are unlikely to see a return of the chalk and blackboard era. Naturally, not all schools are able to provide modern technology for their stud...