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Showing posts from 2023

China bangun data center dasar laut setara menenggelamkan 6 juta personal computer

  China menjadi pemiliki data center pertama di dunia berbasis di bawah laut. pesisir pantai Hainan menjadi salah satu lokasi dimana pembangunan data center/superkomputer berbasis bawah laut pertama di China. Mengingat pulau tersebut menjadi salah satu wilayah pengembangan dan pintu selatan digitalitasasi dan maritim. Modul yang berisikan 2 tabung layaknya kapal selam berhasil ditenggelamkan di kedalaman 40 meter di pesisir pantai Hainan, selama 3 jam lebih proses penurunan, mengingat beban yang setara 1000 unit mobil alias 1430 ton. Setelah sampai di dasar laut, penyelam memerlukan waktu 40 menit untuk menyiapkan sistem hingga dapat di operasikan. Data center yang ditenggelamkan setara 60.000 personal komputer yang dapat memproses 4 juta gambar definisi tinggi dalam waktu 30 detik. Dengan berbekal pendingin alami yang dirancang khusus oleh ilmuwan serta kelembaban konstan serta tidak terkontaminasi debu dan angin, kinerja data center meningkat diatas lingkungan konvensional/...

Cybersecurity threat monitoring and risk assessment solutions

Security leaders rely on a number of threat monitoring and risk assessment tools and solutions to understand, identify and mitigate threats to the enterprise. From security vulnerability scanning to supply chain and third-party risk monitoring,  Security  magazine spotlights cybersecurity threat monitoring and risk assessment solutions that can help improve security posture at various organizations. BlackBerry Protects Private Cloud and On-Premises Applications Designed to support work-from-anywhere deployment models while helping to remediate and automate network risk for both managed and BYO unmanaged devices, CylanceGATEWAY is BlackBerry’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) as a Service solution. ZTNA is a component of the company’s Managed Extended Detection and Response (XDR), which searches for and addresses cyber threats across an enterprise’s entire digital environment, including its network, cloud storage, applications and endpoints. CylanceGATEWAY helps enhance user ac...

Join us at “Accelerate Everything”

  As a global leader in application-optimized Total IT Solutions, Supermicro is at the forefront of driving innovation in AI, data center, cloud and edge computing. We are glad to be back in-person at Supermicro Accelerate Everything 2023 in Jakarta, our exclusive customer event. We will showcase the latest technological developments and opportunities that are propelling the growth of artificial intelligence and cloud computing and highlight strategies for deploying Total IT Solutions with a focus on green computing and Supermicro’s commitment to sustainability. We will also be joined by our technology partners Intel®? and AMD to demonstrate how Supermicro’s latest innovations are driving IT growth and revolutionizing data center infrastructure, accelerated computing and more. Please join us in Jakarta on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 Link for REGISTRATION :

AKCP Solutions Cocok Untuk Anda

    AKCP are the worlds oldest and largest manufacturer of networked, wired and wireless sensors for the data center. Founded in 1984, AKCP has a long history of innovation and is recognized as a leading global  provider of environmental, power and security monitoring in the data center. AKCP 's products are designed to help customers monitor and manage their critical infrastructure environments, such as data centers and server rooms. Thermal map sensors , water leak detection , and power monitoring help customers maintain optimal conditions and prevent downtime. AKCP sensorProbeX+ 1U rack mounted monitoring device One of the key strengths of AKCP is the scalability of its solutions. The company's products can be easily integrated with existing systems via SNMP, Modbus and MQTT, and can be scaled to meet the needs of 1,000 rack data centers, or a single rack server room. This makes AKCP's solutions ideal for businesses of...

Perkembangan Data Center dan Cloud di Indonesia Tahun 2023

  Data Center, bidang yang sedang moncer di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2022. Dengan adanya pandemi, maka sebagian besar perusahaan berpindah ke cloud, dan mau tidak mau mereka harus memikirkan penggunaan data center bersama ini. Layanan cloud pada dasarnya adalah layanan data center bersama (shared resources) yang diakses oleh banyak pengguna. Layanan cloud tidak hanya menyediakan infrastruktur data center (Infrastructure As A Service), tapi juga berbagai layanan lainnya.  Sepanjang pengamatan kami, masih banyak fokus di perusahaan dan instansi menggunakan layanan data center untuk keperluan IaaS, dibandingkan dengan layanan lainnya. Fokus penerapan virtual server, virtual data center mendominasi permintaan data center berbasis cloud yang ada di Indonesia selama ini.  Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh perusahan, yaitu mulai menggunakan layanan cloud lainnya yang disediakan di masing-masing provider. Menurut ragamnya, cloud data ce...