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Showing posts from January, 2012

Mengintip Pekerjaan Pertama para Milyuner dan CEO 'Besar'

Senin, 30/01/2012 07:42 WIB Mengintip Pekerjaan Pertama para Milyuner dan CEO 'Besar' Nurul Qomariyah : detikFinance detikcom - Jakarta, Mereka kini menjadi CEO di perusahaan-perusahaan besar. Tapi siapa sangka dulunya mereka hanyalah seorang tukang masak ataupun tukang pengantar koran. Kerja keras dan nasib baik telah mengantarkan mereka hingga ke posisi puncak. Siapa yang menyangka CEO Exxon Mobil Rex Tillerson dulunya adalah seorang pengasuh bayi. Atau CEO JP Morgan Chase James Dimon yang ternyata dulunya adalah tukang menggoreng kentang. Bagaimana para CEO dan milyuner dunia itu merintis karirnya? Berikut berbagai cerita tentang pekerjaan awal para CEO perusahaan-perusahaan besar dunia, seperti dikutip dari CNBC, Senin (30/1/2012). 1. Doug McMillon, President dan CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc  Doug McMillon pertama kali bekerja di Wal-Mart pada usia 17 tahun. Ia pertama kali bekerja di gudang Arkansas dengan upah US$ 6 per jam. Saat ini, McMillon menduduki posisi tertinggi di

10 skills for developers to focus on in 2012

By Justin James | January 23, 2012, 10:57 AM PST Software development had a few years of relative calm. But now the rollercoaster is back on track and it's picking up speed, as HTML5 gains a foothold and Windows 8 threatens to significantly change the Windows development landscape. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you should consider learning at least a few of these 10 software development skills. 1: Mobile development If you don't think it is worth your time to learn mobile development, think again. Global shipments of Android phones in 2011 are almost equal to PC sales. Add in the other big-name mobile devices (iPhones, iPads, and even the "dying" RIM devices), and what you see is that mobile devices now dwarf PCs in sales. What does this mean? If you make your living from software that can run only on a PC (which includes Web sites that don't work or are hard to use on mobile devices), now is the time to learn mobile development. 2: NoSQL I appreciate a