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Showing posts from October, 2012

Bahkan orangtua pun butuh MDM (Mobile Device Management)

Parents Need Mobile Device Management, Too Summary:  Parental controls apps are to parents what mobile device management is to IT administrators. This is an area where Android, perhaps surprisingly, may have the lead over iOS. By Eric Lai for  UberMobile  | September 28, 2012 -- 14:52 GMT (22:52 SGT) September is coming to a close, and so will the  spate of back-to-school/child-oriented blog posts from me (I promise). Just...after my coming review of the Fuhu Nabi tablet. And - D'oh! - this post:  (Assumes whiny stand-up comedian voice) "Have you ever tried to get your kids to stop playing on your smartphone? What is UP with that? It's like their eyes...their pupils don't focus. They're always holding it super-close their face, because this is what Samsung commands them to do. And they always mumble sighed responses like "Yeeesss, Daaaaad" while they're  Joyriding Jetpacks  because that's wayyyyyy more interesting than anything yo...

10 things you can do to improve network and PC security

By Jack Wallen | October 8, 2012, 6:41 AM PDT Security. It's that which drives some administrators to early retirement, gray hair, or a permanent room in a padded cell. Okay, that's an exaggeration… but you get the idea. Security is tops on most every administrator's list. And with good reason. Incomplete or poor security can bring down a company's network and/or computer resources. That equates to lost work, which affects bottom line. Administrators must do all they can to ensure the security of their networks. But for some (especially those without the financial resources), just knowing where to start and what to use is the biggest challenge. With that in mind, I thought I'd lay down 10 tools and methods to help you arrive at better network/PC security. 1: Use Linux I can already hear the groans from the gallery, but the truth of the matter is, you will cut down on PC security issues if you begin migrating at least some of your desktops to Linux. The best way to d...

Structuring your mobile strategy

By Dean Vella | October 8, 2012, 1:02 AM PDT According to Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, the upcoming year will be all about going mobile. Google intends to improve the speed of wireless networks, develop mobile payments and increase the number of inexpensive smartphones used globally. In addition, Google has taken an even more competitive stance by announcing that advertisers who have mobile optimized sites will rank higher in ad quality. Google is not alone. According to MobileSquared, a research firm based in the UK, Facebook could generate $1.2 billion through its mobile advertising strategy in one year alone. With smartphones and tablets gaining prominence, business owners are realizing the need to develop a mobile strategy. The question is: how to do it? Creating apps can be expensive, and, obviously, the mobile advertising method needs to more than compensate for the effort required to create it. Here are some suggestions on the various options available and their potential cos...

Social media: From monitoring staff to fake pages - five tips to protect brands

By Damian Herrington | October 8, 2012, 2:28 AM PDT  The use or misuse of social media by staff creates a series of challenges for employers in monitoring their activities. Photo: Shutterstock Social media is now ubiquitous and has fundamentally changed how businesses engage with customers. A recent study by global law firm DLA Piper, for which I work, revealed that 76 per cent of large employers have some form of social-media presence with 86 per cent on Facebook, 78 per cent on Linkedln and 62 per cent on Twitter. The potential benefits of social media for businesses are clear: an ability to market and advertise in a direct, interactive and usually free way to a potentially massive global audience. But as social-media use increases, businesses are becoming aware of the risks. The ability of users to post comments and opinions on social media networks provides a platform for criticism, whether or not justified, and the misuse of a business's brand and content. Further, the use or...

Coming clean on ITSM

October 8, 2012 | By BarefootITSM  | In ServiceDesk Plus 12 steps to…5 principles of…7 methods of… Most of us prefer life to be placed in neatly categorised boxes. It gives us a sense of control over things we don't necessarily have control over. The same rings true for IT Service Management. We want a process or a tool for everything. We generally don't like grey areas (well, most of us anyway). We prefer to live with a false sense of security instead of facing the reality of a situation. If it's not neatly packed by the end of the show we grapple around for that elusive piece of the puzzle, which will complete the picture so we can sit back and marvel at our handiwork. Playing rugby as a little boy, I never wanted to come from the field with clean clothes – I wanted mud or grass stains all over me – it made me feel like I played well, got tackled, got up and tried again. Well, IT Service Management is messy – you have to get your hands dirty. In fact, ...