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Showing posts from May, 2020

Know when Zoom is down with PRTG

For many of us, meetings that used to happen in person are now happening virtually since much of the world has switched to working remotely. Because we are relying so heavily on conducting important business meetings over online meeting platforms, monitoring the availability of those online services is more important than ever. As far as video conferencing tools go,  Zoom  is everywhere these days. It's just about ubiquitous, and it’s the hot technology allowing us all to remain connected. And of course, knowing when it is down is crucial, because it means that a company can make a temporary switch to another platform, or at least inform its users that the service is down. And because we at Paessler were using Zoom long before the recent lock down, it made sense that we would try and figure out how to monitor it with  PRTG Network Monitor . Here's the solution we found. And the great news is that the solution is similar for other video conferencing software, too –...

Monitoring Zoom with PRTG

Monitoring Zoom with PRTG With PRTG, you can monitor Zoom out of the box with the  REST Custom sensor . You can use the sensor to monitor the status of Zoom meetings and Zoom video webinars, for example. Among others, the sensor can show the following: Live streaming status Web client status Web portal status Zoom chat status Zoom meetings status For an overview of all Zoom services and their status, see the  Zoom service status page . Download, extract, and copy the files You can download the .zip file  here . Extract the files and then copy the files as follows: Copy the template file  zoom.status.template  into the  Custom Sensors\rest  subfolder of the  PRTG program directory  on the probe system that you will execute the file on. Copy the lookup file  zoom.status.ovl  into the  lookups\custom  subfolder of the  PRTG program directory  on the PRTG core server system. Optional:  T...

PRTG licenses untuk lingkungan yang besar (Large Environments)

PRTG bisa digunakan untuk ukuran monitoring yang sangat besar, dan ini yang sering ditanyakan oleh banyak customer besar, seperti ISP, Telco atau Large Enterprise. License mana yang harus kita pilih ? Ada 2 pilihan, yaitu PRTG XL dan PRTG Enteprise. PRTG XL PRTG XL – perpetual license – unlimited sensors Model license nya adalah PERPETUAL, artinya tiap tahun berikutnya diharapkan membeli Maintenance Support. PRTG XL license membatasi jumlah PRTG core servers tapi tidak jumlah sensornya. Secara teori, kita bisa menjalankan UNLIMITED sensor di dalam satu server PRTG, tapi ada keterbatasan fisik server. Secara teori, disarankan 1 server fisik menangani hingga 10.000 sensor. Untuk license tertinggi, PRTG XL5 maka secara teori bisa menangani 50.000 sensor dan dipasang di 5 server fisik PRTG core. PRTG Enterprise Monitor  Opsi lainnya adalah menggunakan  PRTG Enterprise Monitor . Adapun model license nya adalah subscription-based, artinya setiap tahun harus diperpanjang. Tidak...


Our license for large installations, PRTG PLUS, will be replaced by Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor. Every license will include the PRTG ITOps Board powered by Martello iQ. The ITOps Board enhances PRTG with a service-oriented, central overview across multiple PRTG servers. It significantly reduces alert noise and adds advanced analytics and SLA monitoring and reporting. Just like PRTG PLUS, PRTG Enterprise Monitor is a flexible, annual subscription license based on the price per sensor. It is for customers managing large IT environments who need 30,000 or more sensors across an unlimited number of core servers. How ITOps Board works ITOps Board gathers, correlates and organizes alerts and notifications from one or more PRTG servers, creating a business service oriented view of your network and infrastructure. It creates dependency diagrams, clear and focused dashboards, and automated incident workflows. Multi-server dashboards ITOps Board ...


Pandemi COVID-19 yang telah melanda hampir 5 bulan lamanya di dunia. Dan telah 2 bulan setidaknya di Indonesia telah memberlakukan social distancing. Virus yang telah mengorbankan banyak jiwa dan membuat ekonomi global runtuh seketika ini bahkan belum pasti dapat diketahui kapan akan berakhirnya. Sebagai manusia, tentunya kita harus optimis dalam menghadapi pandemi ini, melihat beberapa negara sudah mulai berhasil memerangi virus ini. Namun, ternyata setelah pandemi ini berlangsung berbagai pemerintah dari tiap negara memberlakukan aturan   “new normal”   yaitu tetap melakukan pembatasan sosial. Disaat masa pembatasan sosial seperti saat ini, semua aktivitas manusia lebih banyak beralih ke dunia digital. Hampir seluruh kegiatan fisik yang kita lakukan biasanya dari mulai berbelanja, bekerja, mencari hiburan, bahkan hingga berobat ke dokter sudah mulai beralih menjadi online. Dengan keadaan seperti ini, perusahaan yang tadinya enggan untuk melakukan modernisasi pada bisn...