By Katherine Murray | February 25, 2011, 11:30 AM PST PowerPoint 2010 includes a great new broadcast feature that enables you to host virtual training sessions live on the Web, based on a PowerPoint presentation you create. The broadcasting is just part of the picture for successful training, though. This article introduces some ideas to help you engage your participants and improve your training over time. 1: Plan for engagement Think back to the best training session you've ever attended. What were the key elements? Chances are, the content was covered in bite-size chunks; there were plenty of illustrations to add color and visual interest; and the trainer kept you awake by asking questions, telling stories, and making the training relevant to your work or life. When you're offering online training, you don't have the benefit of seeing whether your participants are actually paying attention. Sure, if you're having a conference call you can hear who "seems" t...
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