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EVALUATING THE DISTRIBUTED DATA CENTER ARCHITECTURE Published on 19th December 2014  by Vinay Rathore Share on linkedin Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on email Share on print I was recently visiting Hong Kong, and as I was going through an industrial district in Kowloon I noticed the construction of a few enormous non-descript buildings, with very few windows. It got me wondering was this some sort of penitentiary or secretive government building? Then I noticed that there was not enough barbed wire to be a jail nor any visual indication to be a secretive government facility. Fortunately, a quick search on cell phone GPS maps advised that it was just another large data center. While there has been a strong trend toward creating bigger and more powerful centralized data centers to meet end user needs, there has been another, less notable, trend toward pushing the data center closer to end users for the same reason. Large data centers create efficien...

Green Data Center dan UPS

Bagi sebagian orang mungkin masih terlalu asing atau tidak familiar dengan yang namanya UPS.Perangkat ini memungkinkan mencegah kerusakan fatal ataupun akibat yang fatal apabila dipasang diwilayah yang sebab itu kualitas listriknya rendah seperti di Indonesia.Pada kenyataannya stavolt atau stabilizer sudah tergantikan dengan keberadaan perangkat UPS ini.Hal ini disebabkan oleh kemampuan stavolt atau stabilizer kurang memadai.Oleh sebab itu perlu mempelajari dan memahami pengertian dan fungsi UPS lantaranbanyak sekali brand atau merk yang memproduksi perangkat UPS namun kualitasnya minim belum dapat memback-up pada alat yang penting. Pengertian UPS UPS (Uninteruptible Power Supply) mempunyai pengertian bahwa UPS ini merupakan perangkat output untuk catu daya listrikyang tidak dapat diinterupsi.Maksud dari kata interupsiitu sendiri adalah kelebihan, kekurangan, danmatinya arus listrik yang digunakan untuk mengoperasikan perangkat UPS. Dengankata lain UPS dapat bek...

Pertimbangkan ekspansi data center Anda.

Pertimbangkan ekspansi data center Anda. Capacity planning needs to provide answers to two questions: What are you going to need to buy in the coming year? And when are you going to need to buy it? To answer those questions, you need to know the following information: Current usage:  Which components can influence service capacity? How much of each do you use at the moment Normal growth : What is the expected growth rate of the service, without the influence of any specific business or marketing events? Sometimes this is called organic growth. Planned growth:  Which business or marketing events are planned, when will they occur, and what is the anticipated growth due to each of these events? Headroom:  Which kind of short-term usage spikes does your service encounter? Are there any particular events in the coming year, such as the Olympics or an election, that are expected to cause a usage spike? How much spare capacity do you need to handle these spikes...