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Showing posts from August, 2021

Webinar AIoT "EZVIZ Smarthome & Potensi Market di Era Digital" 12 Ags 2021

   Ingin tahu implementasi Artificial Internet of Things (AIoT) untuk Smart Home Anda, silahkan gabung dalam kegiatan webinar EVENTCERDAS, didukung oleh APTIKNAS dan IAIS. "EZVIZ Smarthome & Potensi Market di era digital" 📅 12 Agustus 2021 🕑 14-16 WIB 🗣️ Taufik Munandar Abie - Business Development Manager EZVIZ 🗣️ Fanky Christian - APTIKNAS DKI JAKARTA Register to : #aptiknas #IAIS #AIoT #smarthome #EZVIZ

Fungsi Battery Monitoring System untuk Data Center

Hai SobatDCMS! Kali ini Kami mau kasih informasi penting seputar data center, mungkin ada yang sudah mengenal BMS atau Battery Monitoring System atau dalam bahasa indonesia “Sistem Pemantau Baterai” yang sangat penting untuk mengontrol dan memonitoring baterai UPS dalam sebuah Data Center. Secara garis besar, fungsi BMS itu adalah memberikan tampilan data dari kesehatan baterai, voltage baterai ke dalam sebuah grafik atau tampilan yang mudah di Pahami. BMS sangat dibutuhkan dalam sebuah data center karena bisa memberikan informasi terkait baterai dan tegangan secara realtime dan bahkan BMS yang kekinian itu memiliki fitur Trigger atau Push Notification bahkan Alarm sehingga jika ada permasalahan dalam struktur baterai atau baterai itu sendiri bakal langsung memberikan notifikasi, itulah mengapa BMS sangat dibutuhkan untuk ruang data center. Yuk simak video berikut ini : Silahkan hubungi Tim kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran Terbaik terkait kebutuhan anda. HUBUNGI KAMI: dcim@dayaciptaman...

AKCP Monitoring of Mechanical Room for Simon Fraser University

  AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest supplier of networked wired and wireless sensor solutions, has supplied a monitoring system for the mechanical room at Simon Fraser University Data Center Simon Fraser University  has constructed a  new research data center . It is a 175 rack facility which houses  Cedar, the world’s 50th largest supercomputer . Construction was recently completed with 107 racks fully populated. AKCP sensor solutions were chosen to monitor the data center and the mechanical room which houses the chilled water plant equipment. ROPE WATER SENSORS INSTALLED UNDER PUMPING EQUIPMENT In the initial phase,  spot  and  rope water sensors  have been installed in the mechanical room connected with  AKCP sensorProbeX+  SNMP enabled base units. The spot and rope water sensors are placed at key points where leaks are most likely to occur. Rope water sensors are laid out along the lengths of pipes or perimeter of an enclosure. Th...

AKCP Monitors The Lubbock 911 Call Centers

  AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest supplier of networked wired and wireless sensor solutions, has supplied a monitoring system for the Lubbock, Texas, 9-1-1 call centers. The Lubbock Emergency Communication District is responsible for providing 24/7 call availability too all 9-1-1 call centers in the county. The data center, located at the Lubbock emergency communication district, receives all 9-1-1 calls. These are distributed to one of 9 public safety answering points throughout the county. The data center also serves as the connection for SMS to 9-1-1 services. AKCP Dual Temperature and Humidity Sensor installed in Lubbock 9-1-1 data center Due to the essential nature of these communications, up-time of the data center is crucial. Lubbock Emergency Communications selected AKCP monitoring devices as a reliable, industry proven technology. Dual temperature and humidity sensors and  sensorProbe2+ devices  were installed at cabinets housing 9-1-1 call processing equipm...

AKCP Monitors The UK Atomic Energy Authority JET facility

  AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest supplier of networked wired and wireless sensor solutions, has supplied a monitoring system for the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) at their Culham Science Centre HQ in Oxfordshire. UKAEA are world leaders in developing fusion (the energy source of the stars) for future low carbon electricity, operating the EU’s Joint European Torus (JET) facility for the European fusion community. UKAEA’s Electron Kinetics Group studies the action of electrons in the hot gases (or plasmas) of fuel produced at JET. AKCP environmental monitoring sensors are used to monitor the laboratory temperatures and relative humidity during their experiments. Why is temperature monitoring important? Measuring temperature on JET uses a technique known as  Thomson Scattering . Detecting the scattered light when a laser beam interacts with an electron determines both temperature and density of thermonuclear electrons. In JET experiments, the scattered light is detecte...

AKCP Monitors French National Weather Service

  AKCP, the world’s oldest and largest supplier of networked wired and wireless sensor solutions, were selected to monitor the infrastructure for Meteo France, the French National Weather Service. Meteo France remote radar station Meteo France has a network of 40 radar stations covering the country and several overseas territories. A monitoring solution was required for each of these remote meteorological radar stations. The system should be capable of monitoring temperature, humidity, and power status. In addition, a method of controlling the backup diesel generators, and taking in alarms from other systems was required. The AKCP network-enabled, remote monitoring solution was selected. Deploying  sensorProbe8- X20 (SP8-X20)  base units at each of the 40 radar sites.  Dual temperature and humidity sensors  were used for environmental monitoring. AC Voltage sensors detect the presence or absence of  AC Voltage . A  DC sensor-controlled relay ...