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Showing posts from August, 2011

Mengenal jenis-jenis RAID

RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive (Independent) Disks. On most situations you will be using one of the following four levels of RAIDs. RAID 0 RAID 1 RAID 5 RAID 10 (also known as RAID 1+0) This article explains the main difference between these raid levels along with an easy to understand diagram. In all the diagrams mentioned below: A, B, C, D, E and F – represents blocks p1, p2, and p3 – represents parity RAID LEVEL 0 Following are the key points to remember for RAID level 0. Minimum 2 disks. Excellent performance ( as blocks are striped ). No redundancy ( no mirror, no parity ). Don’t use this for any critical system. RAID LEVEL 1 Following are the key points to remember for RAID level 1. Minimum 2 disks. Good performance ( no striping. no parity ). Excellent redundancy ( as blocks are mirrored ). RAID LEVEL 5 Following are the key points to remember for RAID level 5. Minimum 3 disks. Good performance ( as blocks are striped ...

Sudahkah Anda Memiliki Mentalitas Elang?

Sudahkah Anda Memiliki Mentalitas Elang? - Dunia kita memang penuh ketidakpastian. Seperti halnya cuaca yang belakangan ini sulit ditebak, apakah akan cerah, mendung, hujan, atau badai, sepak terjang dalam dunia ekonomi, bisnis, politik maupun dinamika di tempat kerja pun kerap sulit diramal. click to enlarge Seorang teman bercerita, ia pernah menghadapi "badai" dalam kariernya. Ketika baru saja dinobatkan sebagai the best employee untuk yang kesekian kalinya, tiba-tiba ia dipanggil oleh atasan dan mendapat vonis yang membuat ia shock, yaitu dibebastugaskan dari posisinya yang sekarang dan diminta standby untuk penugasan berikutnya. Di saat ia berharap diganjar promosi atas prestasinya yang baik, kenyataan yang terjadi malah sebaliknya. Di saat rekan lain yang berprestasi mendapat jabatan baru, ia malah merosot. Siapa yang tidak terpuruk menghadapi kenyataan seperti itu? Dalam situasi seperti ini, sangat wajar bila kita merasa frustrasi. Ada yang mengklaim bahwa m...

Membangun website untuk Universitas dengan OpenScholar

Dalam beberapa kesempatan di pekerjaan, menemani lingkungan pendidikan untuk mengembangkan website universitas, sekolah selalu menjadi tantangan. Tantangannya karena : 1. tidak semua sekolah / universitas memiliki kepentingan untuk tampil 'baik' di dunia Internet 2. tidak semua sekolah / universitas peduli dengan ranking dalam dunia internet 3. tidak semua sekolah / universitas peduli dengan update yang harus dilakukan di websitenya. Namun yang menarik di Indonesia, penggunaan webgonometric menjadi salah satu tolak ukur website universitas di Indonesia. Salah satu software CMS yang menarik yang bisa digunakan adalah OpenScholar. OpenScholar dibangun di atas Drupal, sehingga mudah untuk dikostumisasi dengan cepat. About OpenScholar represents a paradigm shift in how the personal academic and research web sites are created and maintained. Built on the open-source framework Drupal, OpenScholar makes it possible to create academic web sites in a matter of seconds. ...

Inside the Box: UCLA's New Portable Data Center

When UCLA found out that a planned upgrade to its brick and mortar data center was going to surpass the original budget estimate by several million dollars, it began thinking "inside the box"--and chose cargo-container computing. By Dian Schaffhauser 08/11/11 The latest and potentially most powerful research data center at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) was delivered on the back of a flat bed truck from Austin, TX. It was put in place with a crane. The facility resembles the kind of container used to run portable recycling centers. But when it's fully loaded and performing research in physics, economics, genomics, and biochemistry, among other disciplines, the Performance Optimized Datacenter, or POD, will support more than 1,500 compute nodes. This far exceeds the campus' traditional "brick and mortar" data centers in sheer computing power, and yet it fits into a compact space of 40' x 8'. The story of UCLA...

'Narrate, Curate, Share': How Blogging Can Catalyze Learning

By W. Gardner Campbell 08/10/11 As I talk at colleges and universities across the country about the blogging initiatives I've led at the University of Mary Washington, Baylor University, and now at Virginia Tech, my audiences consistently ask about several issues. FERPA is one. Grading is another. But the fundamental questions have to do with the nature and value of the activity itself. What is blogging? Is it like an online journal? If so, how is a public journal of academic value? Should I give my students prompts? Will they think this is merely busy work? Should their blogs be about work done in specific classes, work done in several classes, work done outside of class, or all of the above? These are all perfectly legitimate questions. And while I cannot always articulate my intuitions about the value of particular learning experiences or teaching strategies, I have come up with a conceptual framework that explains what I believe to be the co...

Rethinking the LMS

Rethinking the LMS By John K. Waters 07/29/11 What's the future of the learning management system? What's its place in higher education environments of the 21st century? Will it even have a place in the coming years? A panel of educators and vendors delved into those questions during a well attended session at the Campus Technology 2011 conference Wednesday. Of course, they came no closer to a final answer than the rest of the world, but their insights and arguments provided a rich, big-picture view of a question that a growing number of colleges and universities are asking. "I'm inclined to say that the LMS has no future," said Gary Brown, director of the Center for Online Learning at Portland State University , "unless we understand that there are more valuable aspects of what's happening in instruction than what LMSes have supported today." Brown was developing online collaboration learning spaces before there was such a ...

E-Textbooks: 4 Keys to Going All-Digital

E-Textbooks: 4 Keys to Going All-Digital 08/03/11 When Daytona State College , a 53-year-old former community college in Florida, now a state college offering a four year degree, set out to implement an all-electronic book program two years ago, its goal was to drive down the cost of textbooks by 80 percent. The school is well on its way to achieving that goal, and along the way it made some discoveries about what it takes to make a successful transition to e-texts. "We got it going in the right direction," said Rand Spiwak, CEO of eText Consult and Daytona State's recently retired CFO, who led the school's e-text project. "But we had to adjust our expectations and assumptions considerably." Spiwak partnered with John Ittelson, professor emeritus at California State University, Monterey Bay , and director of communication, collaboration, and outreach for the California Virtual Campus , to share their experiences implementing e-textbook p...