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Showing posts from November, 2011

E-learning Standards

As an instructor or content expert you may want to know why e-learning standards are important and why you should care whether the content that you create is standards-compliant. E-learning standards and the issues surrounding them can be complex. But in general, the primary goal is to make course content and learning tools compatible among various e-learning delivery systems. The advantage is that you can create “portable” content that can be used in any e-learning delivery system without the need to modify the content. If the content and the e-learning delivery system both comply with the same standard, then the learning system will interpret and deliver your standards-compliant content. SCORM SoftChalk supports the SCORM standard. SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of technical specifications developed to support the creation of interoperable, accessible and reusable web-based learning content. The SCORM standards are a work-in-progress, wi...

Top Five M-Learning Best Practices for SoftChalk Mobile Users

Posted August 08, 2011 in Tips & Tricks Mobile learning is an emerging area of e-learning and the best practices are continually evolving. Today Robert Godwin Jones, a founding partner of SoftChalk, shares the top five best practices for SoftChalk SmartMobile. 1. Use automatic mobile formatting feature in SoftChalk 7 When you save a lesson in SoftChalk 7 or higher, a mobile-friendly version of the lesson content is created (in a folder labeled “mobile”) and included when the lesson is packaged or published. When a user accesses that lesson on a mobile phone such as an iPhone or Android phone, this specially formatted Web version of the content is delivered automatically. The font size, page width/formatting, navigation and image size are optimized for a smaller screen. 2. Avoid using Flash-based content Flash is not supported on Apple mobile devices. This includes the iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch. Flash is supported on some but not all Andro...