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Showing posts from January, 2017

Ayo bangun data center di rumah anda, cuma di Tamansari Cyber Bogor

Kata siapa tidak bisa bangun Data Center di rumah? Saya sudah buktikan, di perumahan Tamansari CyberPark Bogor, kami bisa membangun data center mini, bahkan di ruang kamar tidur utama.  Kamar tidur utama disulap menjadi area raised floor sehingga semua perkabelan bisa tertata baik dibawah. Dengan akses fiber optic kecepatan tinggi dari salah satu pusat bandwidth nasional, kami tidak kuatir masalah kecepatan akses Internet. Suasana sejuk kami rasakan sepanjang hari, tetapi kami siapkan 2 unit AC 2 PK untuk menjaga kondisi ruangan. Memang ini sangat tepat bagi para pebisbis online, para usaha startup serta pengusaha yang menggunakan Internet, semua bisa diakomodasi oleh Tamansari Cyber Bogor. Jangan ragu untuk mengambil unit yang masih ada, segera kontak dan jadikan rumah anda sebuah CyberHome.. Tertarik ? Bisa kontak saya, nanti saya ajak visit kesana ya.

Is Hot Aisle Cold Aisle Dead?

Is Hot Aisle Cold Aisle Dead? For years we have been zeroing in on the ultimate in cooling efficiency:  Cool air ducted directly into equipment and hot air ducted directly out.  The ducts carry the respective airstreams to and from HVAC equipment without mixing or leaking into the ambient room space. It has been a long journey from the early days of datacom cooling where we simply flooded the room with an abundance of cool air. Of course the assumption was that the cold air would migrate to where it was needed and the hot exhaust air would also find its way back. And just to be sure, we added plenty of margin—and dollars—to the system. Fast forward to today. Current equipment designs demand a steady flow of air to each device to maintain a suitable operating temperature. And we know that efficiency is maximized when we don’t mix the hot exhaust air with the cold supply air. Is it possible to accomplish both? Various solution providers have created just such a cooling ut...

Apakah Power Usage Effectiveness - PUE?

Power Usage Effectiveness - PUE The boss called, "What's our PUE?" Do you know your PUE?   PUE stands for Power Usage Effectiveness and it is rapidly becoming the number to know. In the past, data center managers were simply asked to provide enough space, power and cooling to support the IT equipment. Now, the same managers are being asked to do it efficiently. PUE can be a helpful benchmark. Introduced by the Green Grid, PUE is a measure of efficiency. It is defined as: the total facility power consumed divided by the total IT equipment power consumed. The total facility power is measured at the utility meter for data centers. (For mixed-use facilities like an office building that contains a data center, only the power needed for the computer room should be measured or even estimated.) The facility power includes everything that supports the IT equipment including power, cooling, lighting, etc. The IT equipment power is the load associated with servers, storage...