By Barry Levine
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| ![]() The Pleasanton, Calif.-based company noted that IT managers, in addition to their other responsibilities, need to monitor the log data from data center systems, devices, and applications, in order to comply with regulatory requirements and to decrease the possibilities of data theft. 'Real-Time Visibility' The EventLog Analyzer utilizes the discovery engine of ManageEngine's data center software, called OpManager. It monitors in real time all the logs from systems, devices and applications for illegal access, threshold violations, network anomalies, and policy changes, among other metrics. ManageEngine's director of product management, Dev Anand, told news media that, "for the 12,000-plus medium and large enterprises using OpManager, the SIEM plug-in will ensure real-time visibility into data center performance and network security from a single console." The Analyzer, available as a beta, offers such capabilities as centralized universal log collection, compliance reports, usermonitoring, event correlation, real-time threat notifications, log forensics and archiving. The OpManager network management platform is designed to provide automated workflows, intelligent alerting engines, configurable discovery rules, and extendable templates for setting up a 24x7 monitoring system relatively quickly. 'Only 26 Percent' Laura DiDio, an analyst with industry research firm Information Technology Intelligence Consulting, told us her company has found that "only 26 percent of companies actually track compliance." She noted that data centers "have to serve in that role," not only for regulatory compliance but also to comply with their service level agreements for services they provide. ManageEngine also announced on Tuesday that it is now providing support for Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software in its application performance monitoring solution, Applications Manager. The CRM support is being offered as a beta feature. Because of the complexity of Siebel's Web architecture, ManageEngine said, the cause of a slowdown in performance can be difficult and time-consuming to track down. The performance analytics in Applications Manager are intended to help administrators troubleshoot any issues. Applications Manager can monitor such Siebel metrics as components, sessions, and statistics. Sridhar Iyengar, ManageEngine's vice president of product management, said in a statement that the announcement shows his company is "committed to ensuring our customers are getting the most out of their investment in Siebel CRM systems." The Siebel monitoring provides visibility into critical Siebel components, offering a non-intrusive collection of performance indicators, identification of underperforming components before a failure takes place, and providing for a unified view of Siebel in the context of four dozen other applications, including Oracle E-Business Suite and SAP |
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